Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Endeavors

My most excellent wife has taken on a new experience. She will be working for a small company which investigates fires. Forensic work is very cool, as anyone can tell by turning on a TV for half an hour. I am so impressed with her drive and dedication. She really is an inspiration.

I will, however, have to rethink my plans for retirement now. The old potato chip bag behind the switch plate trick will have to be put away.

I have a book that I wrote in a college class years ago. I may just have to dust it off, rewrite it, shop it around, and see what comes of it. I have thought about this for a while, but fear of failure kept it down. My wife demonstrates to me daily that new challenges should be embraced.

I will have to give it a try.


Unknown said...

You definitely should dust it off and let it see the light of day again! You can inspire each other...and I can read the book when you get famous. :)

aablythe said...

Kelley, if I publish a book, I will send you a copy. You can plug it on your growing network of followers. Postage to Texas is a cheap price for publicity. ;-)